Getting There

In this world of insta-everything and drive-thrus, I am challenged by a quote from a doctor friend: “It's not a matter of getting there tomorrow. It's a matter of getting there.”

Best Party Favor Ever!

She got her Master Gardener certificate last year. She astounds me with her knowledge of plants and flowers.  I love that I know how much she adores hydrangeas. . .

Mother's Day Morning at Harris Teeter

I was pushing my cart toward checkout, and I passed a guy dressed very nicely with a dozen red roses and a big balloon in his cart. He took one look at me, glanced down at the hydrangeas in my cart, and mockingly smiled at me as if to say, “You’re an idiot. It’s Mother’s Day. Your wife wants roses—not those plain white bushy flowers in your basket.”

Sir, don’t judge. This is what I would have said to you if we’d had time to chat this morning...

Jesus on PowerPoint

That got me wondering. . . Would Jesus have used PowerPoint if He was teaching in our day? 

We live in such a video-saturated culture. It’s a proven fact (multiple studies) that people learn information best in video format nowadays. So when Jesus was communicating, He was speaking truth in parables, because in that culture (like ours) stories have stickiness. Stories today—while always powerful in any format—are best “heard” today when told in video format.

Sabbath Rest?

That got me thinking. . . When’s the last time God took a day off? Is it possible that his last day off was the “day” after He created the world? Now this was either about 14.3 billion or 5,700 years ago—depending on your view of things. Either way, that’s a lot of time since His last vacation.

No Room at the Inn

Room at the Inn... the name, itself, is a reminder that you have something in common with Jesus. In fact, in this season of your life right now, you may have more in common with Jesus than those serving you! As a baby, he had no room in which to sleep. As an adult, he said, “... the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” (Matthew 8:20).

Movers and Shakers

A group of three high school friends were riding around in a Jeep in Charlotte in the mid-80's. The driver had forgotten to do something really important and was trying to figure out a solution. He came up with a brainstorm, made a sudden U-turn and exclaimed to his two friends. . .


To this, his northern-born cousin responded, "So you're coffeenauts." My immediate unspoken reaction was, "Now there's a term I haven't heard before." I began to try to figure out what he meant by that. Then I remembered that my friend told me his cousin was from New Jersey.

Sailor Stories

The thought popped up that you cannot tell sailor stories unless you've been out to sea. The bartenders and people at the ports get to hear the stories, but they don't have the experiences.

Scutigera coleoptrata

There are certain kinds of bugs that just freak me out. One of them is the Scutigera coleoptrata, known to laypeople as the “house centipede.” I am adding this to my list of animals that came after the Fall in Genesis 3.

Time After Time

Then a very nice woman in a yellow shirt started making the rounds to all the groups of people in the waiting room.. When she got to us she said her name and that she was a “Patient Representative.” The irony was thick enough to cut at this point. I wanted to ask her, “How patient?” but I didn’t.

Chalk Thoughts

I absolutely believe in angels. I believe at least one is hovering over me as I type right now. But even more than angels, I believe in the One the angels bow down to.