3 Kinds of Trees and People, Part Deux of 3
Read Part 1 here if you missed it yesterday.
The second kind of tree/people is Deciduous. It’s okay if you thought that means “able to make quick decisions.”
Maples are my favorite example. Wikipedia defines deciduous as “the dropping of a part that is no longer needed" or "falling away after its purpose is finished.” (First of all, Press ‘1’ for my thoughts on how vastly different those two phrases are!). Deciduous trees get rid of the things that might hinder them in the tougher seasons.
When dry and cold seasons come, deciduous things adapt by changing. Sometimes the change is brilliant (like the picture above); sometimes it just looks like death. But growth is happening. Sometimes growing occurs through pruning. Pruning is painful, but necessary for future health.
What needs to be pruned in your life?
Tomorrow: The third kind of tree/people.