
Death Rate Holding Steady at 100%?

Death Rate Holding Steady at 100%?

An older article in The Onion entitled, “World Death Rate Holding Steady at 100%,” was mentioned in an email I received. Clever, I thought.

Then I realized it's fuzzy math.

It should be something like, “World Death Rate Holding Steady at 99.99999999999999999%.” 

Now, I know that some people reading this are thinking: “Jesus, right?” Nope. He died. Then He rose. So, he’s not the one who breaks the stats here.

I’m thinking of Noah’s great-granddad—a fella named Enoch. Also Elijah. Maybe some others we don’t know about.

So, even though The Onion is a news satire magazine, they might need to check their sources. It’s close to 100%, but you have to round up to get there. 

Of course, I’m one of those people who thinks the Bible is actually trustworthy if we take the time to read and understand it in context. Best 5 minutes you’ll hear on this subject (Tim Keller).

It sure sounds like a. . .

It sure sounds like a. . .

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