Right is Write
Recently, I was at a morning meeting with a small group of guys who have been meeting for about two years. We’d been reading a book that a mentor and dear friend of mine had me study about 25-30 years ago.
So, I decided to get these guys to write a thank you letter to my mentor. I told them to pick their favorite thought from the first four chapters and write a note to thank him for passing the torch. I also wrote him one. It took us about 10 minutes. Three days later when I met him for breakfast, I gave him the letters and told him how much I appreciated him.
I used to write handwritten letters a lot more often.
In a world of Siri, keyboards, and cut/copy/paste, I virtually quit writing with my hands in favor of more efficient methods.
But there’s just something about getting and giving handwritten letters and notes. It may not be as efficient, but it’s probably more effective. I’m trying to do it more frequently these days.
So here’s my challenge. . . write a note today. Write someone in your life that needs to hear from you. A word of encouragement. A note of thanks. A letter of apology. You decide what and who, but do it—10-15 minutes of your time to possibly change somebody’s life.
Mail it on Monday, and wait to see what happens.