
Tuesday Tidbit—#5: Recycling Schedule

Tuesday Tidbit—#5: Recycling Schedule

My son and I were rolling out the trash cans tonight, and I paused to ponder whether or not it was the week to roll out the recycling bins as well. As we rolled the cans out I thought of a way to solve this problem. If you live in Charlotte, you can do this on your iPhone:

  1. Go to this site: Mecklenburg County GIS

  2. Enter your home address

  3. Click the trashcan icon on the left

  4. Note which color your recycling calendar is (green or orange)

  5. Go to this webpage: Recycling Collection Calendar

  6. Drag the photo in #4 to your Photos on your computer (or save it on your phone)

  7. Save the photo on your phone in an Album called something like “Household”

COC Recycle It Recycling Calendar 2018.jpg

And next time your forget which week is the recycling week, just check the photo album on your phone. You can also put other pics in that album like... the light bulbs you use the most, type/size of air filters for your HVAC, etc.

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